A rampant racist calling her/himself "Esther Angel" who repeatedly harasses Chris Williamson's staff and readers on the former MPs facebook page gives us very easy to follow examples of the fact-free nonsense racist-based way many of the 'opponents' of people like Corbyn, Chomsky, Williamson etc behave. In response to Williamson's being glad Iraq's parliament has passed a law relating to not condoning Israel's xenophobic apartheid current nature, Esther the White Supremacist wrote:
Which they are doing because the Iraq war allowed Shia militants connected to the Iranian regime to gain power. They are mirroring Iran's stance, which isn't based on any humanitarian, benevolent ideology.
This sort of off the cuff random racist nonsense doesn't get you very far if Rumpole is investigating the facts. A simple glance at the most basic abc playground google-found info possible on Iraq tells anyone, xenophobic or not:
Demographics. The data on the religious affiliation of Iraq's population are uncertain. 95-99% of the population are Muslims. The CIA World Factbook reports a 2015 estimate according to which 29-34% are Sunni Muslims and 64-69% Shia Muslims.
So Esther the white supremacist has brazenly not allowed her/himself to spot that the change to a majority representative government, representing the majority, including the shia majority of iraq not just the sunni iraqis (and despite what Esther claims, if you look it up you'll find that Iraq's MPs are from across the political and religious spectrum, not any kind of narrow oppressive regime as it was under the west's puppet Saddam), in Iraq, is one of the reasons, presumably, cited by pro war hawks for invading iraq which, under Saddam, was ruled by a corrupt sunni minority. Two other white people, clearly also with zero understanding of Iraq's society, have clicked 'like', so far, when I checked, on this latest knee-jerk racist post by Esther.